Thursday, January 08, 2009

Hot Stuff

I've been experimenting with macro images some, and I like this one, because of the highlights in the beads. I have a friend who, like me, is an obsessive Virgo (we even share the same birthday, although not the same year), and she makes me the most wonderfully zany stuff. This, dear readers, is a beaded Tabasco bottle. A miniature Tabasco bottle. Like the kind you see attached to those nifty specialty shop chili or soup mixes. See the tiny peppers on the top?


Chreamps said...

Wow - the time it took her to make that - it's gogeous!

wonda said...

Very creative, Alice. Love the bottle and the cat's eyes which look like jewels! Hope things go smoothly for you this year! Have a great year! I have closed my blog.

Anonymous said...

What a fun, goofy gift. Very cute!