Hi there! Welcome to Scrapkatz, my blog to showcase my digital scrapbooking, and my three fuzzy buddies.
Let me introduce you to Ringo, aka The Big Red Cat, who came into the family after his first owner had to go into a nursing home. He's a huge red tabby, a stocky fellow who is a real soft touch. He loves having his tummy rubbed, and flops in the floor at any chance for someone to oblige him. Not sure exactly how old Ringo might be, as he was fully grown when he showed up about three years ago.

Toby was maybe six weeks old when someone tossed him out behind the car dealership downtown. We brought him home, and he immediately took up with my mother, and he would snuggle up in the crook of her elbow and try to hide. He wasn't shy for long, however, becoming quite a rambunctious fellow. Today, his favorite toy is a plush Peep (like the marshmallow variety), and he enjoys wrestling with the other two cats.

Harley is the newcomer to the family. His feral mother brought him and two littermates up onto my porch one weekend. I managed to catch two of the three, and took them to my vet to see if he could take them in and find homes, which he did. The third kitten was too fast for me, running into the backyard and under a storage building where I couldn't get him. His mother abandoned him, and he was left alone to live under my car. It took me three weeks to coax him close enough to nab him and bring him inside. Now, he wouldn't go out for anything. He's going to be a real love.
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