Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fitting right in

It hasn't taken long for Harley to settle in. He's an easy-going kitten, not too clingy, and he finds fun at every turn. He's already outgrown this place to curl up and nap, on top of a side table. Simple things entertain him: he delights in carrying around and tossing the white glove fingertips that I cut off the oversized gloves I wear when I handle fabric. An empty water bottle gets batted around the house, making a great noise.

This page was from a scraplift night online, and the ribbon and tag are from my "Reigning Cats and Dogs" kit.

Toby has found a new competitor in Harley. Ringo is very grateful, not having to be the subject of so many daily playfights. He gets to sit back and watch as the other two pound each other into playful submission, then race around the house at breakneck speed. Rank has its privileges.

The papers and elements (except for the tag by Lauren Bavin) are from my "Reigning Cats and Dogs" kit.

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